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Q: What does SisIYA mean?
A: The word SisIYA is derived from the Turkish Sistem Izleme ve
Yonetim Araci, which means system monitoring and administration tool.
Q: How to delete the status about a check which is not active any more?
A: You can use the SisIYA administration interface for that. In order to delete the current system status for
a system, go to the "System Status". In order to delete a system service status for a system, go to the
"System Service Status". Deleting the status of a system or deleting a service status for a systems is used, when
the a specific service is not active any more or is dissabled. It is enough just to delete the system service
status for that specific service. The system status is going to be updated with the next message.
Do not worry! After a specified amount of time
(defaults to 5 minutes) you are going to recieve status informations about that system.
Q: What kind of connection is used to connect to the SisIYA daemon?
A: SisIYA listen on a specified port (Default port is 8888. Note that this port is not reseved for SisIYA.)
and uses TCP/IP.
Q: What is the SisIYA's message format?
A: The Message Format is one line ending with new line (\n) character :
SP stands for separator. This is a one character field separator. Example:
~80~0~dev-app03~20051115174600~10~Hello world! This check is valid for 10 minutes.\n
Q: Can I use the same connection to send more than one message to the SisIYA server?
A: Yes. You can open one conection and send multiple SisIYA messages.